Five Year Gala Celebration & Presentations

What are the details?

Date - Friday, 13th December 2024

Venue - Mawson Lakes Hotel & Function Centre

Attire - Formal

What is it all about?

Starting a business at any time is hard work, but starting your dream business right before COVID began shutting everything down is beyond conceivable. Cassandra has been working tirelessly to get Dance Craft off the ground and provide a welcoming studio full of fun, opportunities to grow and learn, supportive teachers and staff, and the exciting experience of performing!

Each year after we've trained hard and performed our fantastic routines at the Shedley Theatre, we have a fun family picnic at Harry Bowie reserve to celebrate with our dancers, teachers and families while we receive our trophies. It's always a great opportunity to revel in our efforts, relax with our dance friends and enjoy the atmosphere.

Since 2024 marks five massive years of Dance Craft success, we'd like to celebrate this milestone a little differently. This year's presentations will be held at a venue with a sit down meal, dancefloor, kids activities, and the opportunity to dress to impress (sequins optional). 

How can you help?

Cassandra is a very busy mum of two young girls as well as working with her dad at Fencecraft as office manager and running Dance Craft, so any assistance with this event would be greatly appreciated by her as well as the many attendees. 

If you have any skills with organising events, fundraising, decorating, or just want to lend a hand, we'd love to hear from you! Click the link below to send us a message!